Francis P Xavier SJ

Christian Perspectives

The opening verse of the Bible reads: “In the beginning God created …

Church vs Society

When there are two entities, an A and a B, the options are: i. A or B; ii. A but B; iii. A and B; and iv. Neither A nor B. …

Creation in Evolution

More than ever the question of ‘Creation and Evolution’ is much discussed now. Very often it is discussed in a mutually …

Dark Matter & Dark Energy

It is generally accepted that the universe originated from the ‘Big Bang’, which occurred when the temperature of a very concentrated matter was about 1031 degree centigrade. …

Entropy and Original Sin:

The History of Salvation can be seen and admired at various levels: original glory, gradual disintegration, redemptive efforts, and the final hope for fullness …

Eternal Flow of Time

‘Time’ is always fascinating – The concept of time, in a fast moving world, is ever changing. ……

Life beyond Death

Reality is dynamic – There is always seeming change but there is at the same time constancy and continuity. Take, for example, the cycle of seasons …

Matter Energy Spirit

As we open the Bible it reads that there was void in the beginning – The earth was barren, …

Dalit Christians

When there are two entities, an A and a B, the options are: i. A or B; ii. A but B; iii. A and B; and iv. Neither A nor B. …

The Winner stands up and fights

In his latest novel ‘The Winner Stands Alone’ Paul Coelho states: “The planet is, was, and always will be stronger …

Are they at Crossroads?

Science and Religion are often discussed as if they were non-compatible or contradictory. …

Spirituality of Physics

Gentle wavelets of lake Gennesaret were lapping on the shore on a fine morning. Jesus got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon …