Francis P Xavier SJ

Faith, Justice and Love

Education is not a way of growth or of life but it is growth and life. And Catholic education is to form each individual enabling …

Emerging in Education

The world we live in gives us a complex picture: On the one hand there is tremendous scientific and technological

LICET Graduation Address

Respected dignitaries on the dais, parents and well wishers of our graduating class, staff of LICET, …

Physics-Chemistry vs Biology

Physics is the study of the universe in general, starting from atomic (or subatomic) particles going up to planetary system, …

Science for the Empowering of the Poor

The Religious have been pioneers in the areas of education, medicine, social work, and evangelization. …


It is nice to see you present here in order to discuss and explore the possibility of making the Foundation Courses more relevant and meaningful. For any mission the context is very important – We are very much affected today by globalization and privatization. More than these …

The Road Ahead

Today MBA seems to be the converging point for all students, after UG degrees,

The World We live in

The world is moving on the fast track with regard to technological advancements – The changes in the last 20 years are more than the over-all changes in the last 20 centuries. …

Women Empowerment

Recently it was announced in the dailies how a lady, Jessica Cox aged 25 in the USA, has obtained air-plane pilot’s …