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In Sports 1+1>3

In Sports 1+1>3 Education is not mere imparting information but also moulding students with values for social upbuilding. Sports and games develop team work, where

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See New and Think Creatively

LCE – Inauguration of Academic Year: 07Oct2022 See New and Think Creatively After a period of anxious waiting we are finally here within the college

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Empowering the Dalits

Dalit to Delight Children of a Lesser God: ‘Children of a Lesser God’ is a 2018 South Korean TV series – ‘The God of Small

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Creating a new World

Dear Alumni and Alumnae, welcome back to your alma mater LICET. It is nice to see you again here, especially after your work, exposure, and

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Power Within

Dear Students, welcome back to Loyola Campus, especially to LICET. We begin a new academic year – We realize that we have grown in many

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