Hostel Day is an occasion we try to picture to ourselves what has been significant in our learning from and living with others. It is a chance to capture wonderful memories with our friends and companions. From all these, we need to come up: what is the take home point? What would have impact on us for the rest of our lives? Ten years or twenty years from now, for some, hostel life was a distant memory, for some it would be an unavoidable event, for some it might be a time of turning point for the better, and for some it was a time of discovery of who one really was and is.

Take a few moments, before you leave this campus, to reflect on what inspired you most during your life in the hostel; who stands out as the role model or who has taken you for a role model; what is the important lesson you have learnt for life; what are the areas you have grown up; or perhaps what are the areas of undesirable elements that have crept in you. This would help you for a nice and meaningful wrap up of your life in LIBA and LIBA hostel.

As you leave the portals of this learning center, get in touch with yourself. Ask yourself: What is predominant in my mind and what is going to be an integral part of my life? It could be an enviable job; it could be the economic growth making one go up the ladder of affluence; it could be a longing for fullness of life that would bring meaning to us and others. I am sure you all take a quantum leap into the world – It could be a high jump of hope; or it could be the fear of a plunge into despair. But always trust in yourself, for you are the Master of yourself. You are the navigator as well as the passenger in your life journey.

Now and then find a quiet place or atmosphere; and take a few moments to look at yourself. Looking back is the best way to look forward – to learn lessons and to draw inspiration. It would help you realize what you wanted to be in life; and what you have now become. You would know whether the outcome is more than you expected or whether you need any course correction. Reflection would give you enlightenment how to go forward and onward. Some of these moments would be moments of miracle, especially when you realize that you are the miracle who has the magic wand to change yourself and the world for the better.

At those moments, think of your capacity and opportunity. Do not count your failures but count the blessings. Feel your credibility and your sense of compassion, in terms of what you have done to others on your own without being asked for help. And have time to admire the Nature. See how the branches in a tree adjust themselves in such a way that all branches get sunlight equally. And have a couple of minutes to look at a flower that blooms even on the mountain top or in the remote desert area and still spreads the fragrance in the air around, whether anyone looks for it or not. Just watch the birds leaving the nest early in the morning; and lovingly and longingly coming back in the evening and once at home, their chirping and calling one another to share the tale of the day in the company of each other. Look at the dry leaf that has fallen under the tree, which was there on the tree a few moments ago. The leaf is not disappointed that its contract with the tree is over; but hopes to come back to life by becoming now manure to the tree and then to become a new blade of leaf in the next spring. Sit on the banks of a river or near the water falls and listen to their stories as they have seen many places and people and even lands before they could leave you looking for new adventures down the stream. This is the easiest and best way to address your stress and depression.

Once you make it a habit to meet yourself and once it has become a habit to admire the nature, you could turn to your fellow sojourners in life. Have you ever spent time watching fellow passengers as you wait in the train station or airports where hundreds of people come and go? Have you ever looked at their facial expressions and decipher whether they are happy or sad, whether they are relaxed or tensed up, whether they are full of life or they move like robots. We can learn always from others: How to be or how not to be! We can eventually become the antenna of joy radiating a sense of satisfaction. There is one thing that cannot be bought with money or power and that is peace of mind. Try your best to have peace of mind.

There is a story of a farmer buying a horse in the market. When he came home and removed the saddle of the horse, to his big surprise, there was a pouch with costly diamonds in it. He went back to the former owner of the horse and handed over the pouch of diamonds. The former owner was very much touched and offered a few diamonds in appreciation. The farmer said: I have already taken two very costly diamonds for myself. The owner counted the diamonds and said all the diamonds were there. He asked, “What are the diamonds you have kept for yourself.” Out came the reply from the farmer: It is the two diamonds of honesty and self-respect. Never lose your possession of honesty and self-respect. And always keep in touch with yourself and become aware of your surroundings. A young and enthusiastic novice took a boat to meditate in a place where he would not be disturbed – He rowed the boat to some distance in a calm lake; closed his eyes; and started sinking deep in his meditation. All of a sudden he felt that some other boat dashing on his boat. Anger was swelling within him and he was aroused to shout at the boatman who was carelessly bouncing on his boat. When he opened his eyes ready to fire the other boat man; he found out that it was an empty boat which had floated around in the gentle breeze in the lake. Try to understand people who are with you – Often we feel hurt: Remember no one can hurt you without ever your allowing that hurt affecting you, much less entering your mind and heart. Your happiness is your job – Do not lease it out to others.

As you leave Loyola Campus, you could think of the following ten points to ponder over and to follow them, whatever possible, in life:

  1. Live out the motto of LIBA, namely excellence with ethics. Let ethical values be the roots and fruits of your labour and life, which eventually take to wings.
  2. Be men and women of magis – Whatever you do, do it with interest and enthusiasm. Do your best without counting the cost.
  3. Respect others, especially your parents, the elders and your colleagues. Do not easily judge others: Very often our judgement and action would depend on our presumption about an issue or about a person, without taking into consideration the intention of the person in question.
  4. Everyday spend 10 minutes, at least 5 minutes, with yourself – It is for self-check: Just feel how you have been all through the day. Also feel, how others feel about you. And finally, see how God feels with you. If you feel great, thank the day and yourself. Otherwise, look for course correction. Try to broaden the common area of acceptance with your fellow human beings.
  5. Always, be the yeast of goodness. The world is filled with all sorts of people: People of lies are there as well as people of goodness are also there. You develop wisdom to distinguish one category from the other. This is personal discernment.
  6. Sometime, you would rise up to the seat of administration: Then, find the way of discernment in common. Listen to others; and reflect what you listen to; but act what appears to be good and useful and meaningful in your heart.
  7. Face the challenges – Not with external power of security and authority; but with the inner strength of clarity and conviction. When people are reactive, you could choose to be proactive for a noble cause.
  8. Cultivate a hobby or hobbies. It is the best way to deal with your stress and depression and discouragement. Music is ideal or walk amidst a green park has a healing touch. Reading books would also bring in inner calmness.
  9. We need both creativity and credibility – Creativity is for survival and success in our jobs; but credibility is to make our life respectful. Give more importance to credibility – That is the best way to command respect.
  10. Finally, cultivate genuine friendship. Staying in touch with friends is important – Be ready to even ‘waste’ quality time with the friends. It is not the oldest among your friends that matters; but the longest friendship is all that is important and essential.

Now, as the second years leave the campus riding on the back of jobs. The first years would be testing waters in internship. You would discover that major mysteries are shrouded with simplicity. Here you have been developing knowledge; during the internship you pick up skill-based techniques that would be effective instrument for the professional success. Wherever you go for internship, first study the unique character of the company or industry; then, pick up managerial skills without forgetting that effective administration depends much on building up lasting relationship. You may be surprised that you may have to un-learn what you have learnt so far; but have the openness to re-learn what is needed in your milieu to make yourself an expert and professional.

Your formal studies might be over today or sooner. But have the spirit of being a permanent student to learn more. Be ever a student of gratitude. Have you ever noticed a single leaf sticking on to a branch of a tree, when all other leaves have fallen down? That is gratitude of the leaf to the tree. We are many things to be thankful to God, to others, and to the Nature. Count the blessings and count them one by one. This gratitude for all the benefits we have received should be shown or repaid by our attitude, a disposition that would bring in compassion in us to extend a helping hand to the needy. Let us learn every day that we receive more than we give others. Wish you all the best in your studies, profession, and life.

Francis P Xavier SJ
