
The word ‘pedagogue’ refers to the teacher. In the ancient Greek age, the teacher would be walking up and down along the beach or in public places conversing and instructing students. You can understand the connection of ‘pedagogue’ with ‘pedestrian’, namely walking through. A teacher journeys with his/her students.

Teacher vs Jesuit Teacher:

In general, a trained teacher is an informed person with intellectual acumen to instruct students; but an enlightened teacher, in addition, is a person of compassion and understanding to form the students. An efficient teacher would cover the syllabi but an effective teacher would uncover the hidden talents of students. A normal teacher would coach the students for exams to get excellent result and to be well placed in life; but a committed teacher would mould the student as a leader for the society. A regular teacher shows the way to acquire means in life in forms of possession, positions, and power but an inspired teacher accompanies the students in finding meaning in life – not only in his/her life but in the lives of others who would encounter and interact all along the life-journey. An ordinary teacher might be a trainer but an exceptional teacher is a transformer – turning the ordinary student into an extraordinary leader with confidence in himself/herself and with courage to form and work as a team, thereby creating a more livable world.

Characteristics of a Teacher as a Professional:

A teacher is a motivator. A teacher enters the mind of his/her student through heart and sets no limit on a student but believes that each student can be successful, for greatest lessons are taught from a loving heart. The teacher becomes a prism through which the spectrum of hope is diffracted over the student and each ray becoming a success story. The pedagogy should be transformational – This could be achieved by engaging the students in case studies, data analysis or debate about any issues in the society leading to learning first hand through experience. The inspiring teacher identifies and stimulates the hidden talents of the students to explore new vistas and avenues in academic and later in real life.

As a professional, the teacher is thorough with teaching-learning methodology; and is a creative person, who is fair in all matters and with all people and at the same time displays a personal touch. The teacher holds the magic wand of ‘I-can-do-it’ attitude; and radiates a sense of mutual belonging radiating from understanding and compassion of the teacher for his/her students. A professional teacher would respect each student as someone precious or genius in his/her own rite; and exhibits a sense of humour especially during trying periods of difficulty and disappointment. Above all, the teacher, to be an excellent professional, should be open to admit his/her mistake and be open to learn even from his/her students.[1]

A trained teacher is a liberator: The teacher liberates the student initially from any semblance or remnants of shyness to do what is right and just and later to live and fight for the same.

Characteristics of a Teacher as a Leader:

An instructor might give an impression of contractual in action. There is a specific period of training and at the end of the training either the student or the teacher leaves the arena of teaching-learning. But the teacher is a leader who shows the way and walks the way with the students – It is not merely walking the extra mile but to have the commitment to accompany the student always and everyway even into labyrinths of life.

As a leader, the teacher is a learning facilitator offering opportunities for all students to learn what is relevant and meaningful; a mentor helping the students to get acclimatized to the campus culture and ethos, curriculum, and fine practices; and acts as a bridge between the institution and the society. Further, as a leader the teacher becomes a data coach facilitating and guiding the students through the use of data from life-incidents and experiences to take informed decisions; and a catalyst possessing strong commitment to continual improvement; and generating questions that provoke thought with forward movement and futuristic outlook. As a fine leader, the teacher shows the students how what is learnt in the classroom would work in real life when they leave the portals of the temple of learning.[2] The trained teacher prepares the students to change gear from school system to real life situation; and to de-learn, if necessary, in order to relearn along the corridor of time in an ever changing world.

Characteristics of a Teacher as a Model:

In addition to be a professional and a leader, an inspiring teacher turns out to be a model to imitate and to emulate in one’s life. Ten years or twenty years from now, if a student could recall what a teacher told him/her and recount an incident that changed his/her  way of thinking or doing in life due to the intervention of the teacher; or if a student remembers how the influence of the teacher has changed his/her life for better or forever, then the teacher would be a model.

A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness; shows how to live to our fullest potential; helps us see the best in ourselves; and inspires us to observe the best in others. A role model is someone whom we admire and someone whom we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth. We look to them for advice and guidance.[3] In other words: We want to live like them or we want to live their lives.

About two thousand years ago, two friends met Jesus and asked, ‘Where do you stay?’; and Jesus just replied, ‘Come and see.’ They went with him, stayed with him, and experienced his life-style and that made tremendous impact and imprint in their minds and hearts. Writing this incident after 60 to 70 years, the disciple John recalls that it was four o’clock in the afternoon (Jn 1:38-39). This is the impact or influence on us by a role model. More than what we say and do, what we are teaches others more effectively.


A skilled trainer informs; an effective teacher forms; and an inspiring model transforms the person. Transformation permeates through influence emanating from the teacher being a model to imitate and to be inspired not only at present but for the future. So training is not mere picking up skills and methods to gain mastery in a particular art of performing; but imbibing, understanding through compassion, and accepting each student as a unique person who has something great and beautiful to contribute to the society. May the workshop on, Becoming Effective Teachers and Trainers, inspire and enlighten us all. All the best.

Francis P Xavier SJ



