Francis P Xavier SJ

Anatomy of Humiliation

The condition of the Dalits should be placed in the context of poverty and starvation and social discrimination which are caused by social isolation and exclusion, hegemony and every form of humiliation …

Emerging Power of the Marginalized

Post independent India has given assurance, in paper, of human dignity and equality. But there are at least 787,000 engaged in manual scavenging and Human Rights …

Right to Food

As the Israelites were suffering as slaves in Egypt, Yahweh heard their cry and promised them a land ‘flowing with milk and honey’ (Ex 3:8)

Engineering Response to Climate Change

The recent rain and flood catastrophe in and around Chennai and in a few districts in Tamilnadu is a wake up call to all of us to act …

Power of the Powerless

The Lord God asserts: Even if a mother forgets a child, I shall not forget you (Is 49:15). A 20-year-old woman …

Rights of the Marginalized

Barack Obama in his US Presidential inaugural address said: “a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath”.

The invisible Mighty

We have heard: There is light at the end of the tunnel. What if the tunnel is embedded in darkness!….