Francis P Xavier SJ

Future of Education

A few centuries ago education was not at the reach of the ordinary – Only the rich and the affordable could have education.

25 Years of Autonomy

The Jesuit Madurai Province has just celebrated her 50 years of golden service for the people of South India. …

Right to Food

As the Israelites were suffering as slaves in Egypt, Yahweh heard their cry and promised them a land ‘flowing with milk and honey’ (Ex 3:8)

Collective Journey of the Globe

Environment might be one of the most important treasures entrusted to us, but human beings do end up treating it recklessly. …

Education for the Marginalized

The Religious have been pioneers in the areas of education, medicine, social work, and evangelization. …

Science with social Relevance

Jesuit charism is ‘seeing God in everything and seeking everything in God’. In the spirit of Counter-Reformation …

The Inner enables the Outer

Robert Frost in his poem ‘At Woodward’s Gardens’ describes an interesting story: A boy has a lens (Frost calls it: burning glass). …