The Physics department has formed 175 doctoral scholars over a period of about 3 decades. I appreciate the vision, the endurance, and the success of both the research scholars and their guides for their relentless hard work with vision. Congratulations to the Department of Physics and to the Research guides – I thank the college management for making all the facilities available and for all encouragement extended. I am happy that I had the privilege of initiating the research facility in the department and took in the first candidate for doctoral research. Today these research scholars adorn the sky of research at the national and global levels.

Philosophy and Physics:

Research is the way to go today – To make progress or to be authentic one needs investigation, data collection, interpretation tools, understanding models, and effective applications. There is something unique for Physics. Physics is the principle and foundation of all sciences, as we see, perceive, and understand the reality as it is. And all physicists have been basically philosophers: Pythagoras, Archimedes, Euclid, just to name a few in ancient history. Science is called ‘natural philosophy’ and philosophy is called ‘meta physics’.

The earliest beginnings of philosophy are traced back to the sixth century BC when the first scientists of the Western history, the Pre-Socratics, among them Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides, and others, advanced revolutionary theories concerning the natural world, human knowledge and humans’ relationship with gods etc.

In Indian tradition Kanada founded the Vaisheshika school of Indian philosophy that also represents the earliest Indian Physics. His traditional name ‘Kanada’ means ‘atom eater.[1] In our own Tamil tradition, Siddhars were the ancient scientists, rationalists, reformers. The difference today is: Today’s scientific advancement threatens destruction of life but Siddhars worked towards fullness and richness of life.[2]

Action and Re-Action:

Research in physics could be understood as the balance of action and re-action: As Newton would say: For every action there is equal and opposite reaction. It is keeping up the balance between investigative action and service reaction. In other words, research in natural science should have the objective of common good. In life and administration, action and reaction are parallel to action one commits and reward/punishment one gets. Often we deal with an incident based on regulations citing rules but what is predominant in us is our own presumption or prejudice about events and persons. Rarely we think of or try to understand the intention of the doer. Scientific research is finding the correlation between the cause and effect. We often need a model or a mentor to inspire us but the best instructor is our own conscience that speaks in a still small voice resonating with the needs in the society one lives in.

Choice – Power vs Credibility:

We need to ask ourselves often the question with regard to our research: Why do I do, what I do? What is my expectation? Of course, we expect results, which should be tangible and acceptable and often novel or application-oriented. Very often this expectation of the so called ‘excellent’ results would have a tag of power to survive and to succeed, which could be temporary. Can our innovative results in research give us resilience to face failures and obstacles in life? Great leaders of our times such as Ambedkar, Kamaraj, Annadurai, Kakkan etc were on the top of fame and administration but they too faced, at some point, defeat in political elections. All the same, their credibility has survived the test of time and they are known and respected and revered even today. Research experience would tell you this: What you do and hold precious might end up failure. But what you are and what values you cherish will keep you going for ever, even beyond your time here on earth. As physicists we know that the center of gravity is important for the stability for equilibrium of an object. In the same way, we need to recognize that inner peace is to be the ensured even amidst roaring success in life.

Life is a combination of successes and failures. When we are successful, we think we are the primary cause. When we face failures we seek reasons and causes outside of us – We blame others for our failures. Life is a constant attitude-adjustment. Very often we think mechanically, perhaps soaked in the principle of Physics of action and reaction, the balance of what one does and how that person is dealt with. We have the narrow concept of an action, depending on whether it is good or bad, to be rewarded or punished. But then, who decides what is right and what is wrong – the tradition, the culture, the religion, or ourselves. As researchers in physics we should think of relativity which is applicable even to life situation as well. We need to check whether we are objective or subjective. We think we are objective but in fact we are subjective – We try to fit the data to our expected outcome.

Values and Ethics in Research:

You have done your doctoral research and many of you are continuing with further research. We need to ask ourselves the question: What is the role of values or ethics in our research? A farmer bought a horse in the market – When he came back home he found a pouch of costly diamonds in the saddle of the horse. He rushed back to the owner of the horse and returned the pouch. In appreciation, the former owner of the horse offered him a few diamonds. But the farmer said: I have already taken two costly diamonds for myself. The diamond-owner counted the diamonds and found the number to be correct. When asked, the farmer replied: I already have the diamonds of honesty and self-respect for myself. Research is not just revealing data but the outcome should be based on ethical values of honesty and self-respect. And you could add compassion to it so that you could look at the world from others’ perspective and you would become great. After all, life is what you are and not what you become. Some do great research and some feel insignificant but you need not feel small. Remember, what a toothpick can do, a giant JCP machine cannot do. To be happy in life, develop gratitude – Each one of you should become a guiding star but also an energizing tonic for others to make their lives useful and meaningful.

Today I want to recommend to you just one thing: Develop a habit of reading, especially novel and biography. Reading novel gives you fluency in language, widens the horizon of imagination, and opens up the door of strategy for life and mission. When you read biographies like The Audacity of Hope (2006) by Barrack Obama; and Long Walk to Freedom (1994) by Nelson Mandela, you become inspired and ensured to take up responsibility in the world. Your habit of reading books would enable you to read the people like books and would give you courage and confidence to go forward even surfing on the waves of life.

Integral Approach:

The future research needs integral approach which is based on multidisciplinary approach. Researches in Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Computing, Materials for Energy Source and Storage, Sustainability, Smart Devices, Data Processing, Nanotech etc are gaining currency in the world research market.[3] People tend to appreciate that small is beautiful (such as table top, to laptop, to palmtop etc); but small is also dangerous. You might have heard about drones as small as mosquitos or flies which can do havoc. In this context only, we need to hold on to ethical values as basis of our research, however sophisticated it might be.

Ethics in Research:

The number of research projects or research papers will make your resumes, which might help you get a job. But would it ensure you to find meaning in life? We are sinking amidst a number of communication gadgets and we spend a lot of time in text messages, video conferences etc but we are also growing with a feeling of loneliness. There are more and more medical facilities but we come to know more frequent suicides that exist side by side. You might know the suicide is legalized in so many countries: Starting from the Netherlands (2002), under euthanasia or assisted-suicide it is legal in Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Switzerland etc.[4] The EXIT company in the Switzerland was founded in 1982. Today, it is one of the world’s oldest and largest organizations for physician-assisted suicide. It is a non-profit and partially tax-exempt organization.[5] According to a report of 03Feb2023, EXIT has helped a total of 1,125 people end their lives in 2022, which is up by 15% when compared to the previous year.[6] Now a suicide machine has been devised: This ‘suicide machine’ is named as Sarco. (Sarg in German means the coffin). This machine allows users to kill themselves relatively painlessly by inducing hypoxia and hypocapnia (ie. the state of inadequate oxygen supply at the tissues level and reduced carbon dioxide in the blood) leading to death.[7] How do you bring in ethical values in this situation?

Challenges and Opportunities:

We are today at the cross-roads of research when not much of Govt funding is available. There is the complexity of collaboration with regulations and accountability. We need industry sponsored research and we need to be careful, at the same time, about commercialization of research.[8] At times we meet with impasse in research – At those moments we should not get discouraged. We should remember that a door might be closed but it need not be locked. You need to knock at the door to make it open.

Let us put forth the same old question that Moses put forward to the people of his time (about 13 centuries BC): ‘See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction’ (Deut 30:15). We can make or break the world by our research. But we have to make our choice to make this world either a desert devoid of life or an oasis full of peace and fullness. As a physics researcher spend your free time on two things: One is reading; and the other is reflecting on what you have read as well as what you have observed in the world around you. Einstein used to think of a lot and when he met any impasse he played violin.

At times a question might arise within you: ‘Why are some are more successful than you?’ Either you can become jealous of them and lose your peace of mind; or you could learn from them the reason for their success; and you could follow the road to success. All those who have succeeded in life,  feel that they have something worthwhile to offer to the rest of the world. They are clear about their destination in life and strive relentlessly day and night to reach it. And they take the risk to put to use their thinking and feeling in action – Do likewise! You may realize that to change life you need to change yourself, especially your attitude.

At the same time, beware of People of Lies. A mosquito after its maiden fly came home happy and narrated that many people clapped hands. The father mosquito said: Son, they were not clapping hands but they were trying to kill you. Fortunately you have escaped. Evil of destruction often comes with a bewitching smile. St Ignatius of Loyola would say that the devil of destruction often comes to us disguised as an angel of light (SpEx 332). But trust in God and trust in yourself. Have the confidence to face any storm in life. When other birds are scared of brewing storm and seek places of safety, the eagle awaits the chance to soar high by aligning its wings in the direction of the stormy wind.

Go forth and Plant Seeds of Peace and Joy:

In research career you may meet with successes and failures. You may be tempted to concentrate on external possession, position, and power. But focus on your inner peace of mind and happiness. Nothing is a failure, unless you concede to something as failure. Every end has a new beginning until you call it a day. At times you might be fired from your job, but never put out the fire within and keep going. When you are successful and elevated, do not lose your head; and when you are ignored and dumped, do not lose your heart. Do not let others decide your happiness in life. Be grateful to people who have been good to you. St Ignatius believed ingratitude to be “the cause, beginning, and origin of all evils and sins.”[9]

Finally, make the nature as the insatiable source of inspiration. Read the universe as a poet to unravel the hidden mystery and to make meaning in life. Instead of following the beaten track of research, look for road less travelled and that would make all the difference for you and for others. Believe me, most of what I have shared with you is based on my personal experience, in the Physics Department, Loyola Campus, and Jesuit Order over the years.

While I congratulate you all for your continued research in Physics, I wish you all the best. In your daily life, especially in your research activities, see everything new; perceive things in perspectives; make everything beautiful; and may your life as a new creation. Let your life and mission shine to the entire world. Keep going. I am sure that the Physics department would widen the horizon of research as people oriented and need based. All the best.

Francis P Xavier SJ



[2] Sami. Chidambaranar, Sidhars View Scientific Philosophy (in Tamil), Uma Pub., Chennai (2010).







[9] Letter of St Ignatius dated 18Mar1542, In: W.J. Young (Tr), Ignatius Loyola in Letters, Chicago, 1959, No.55.

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