
Physics is a fascinating subject. In Physics one studies and understands the reality as it is. Other sciences are, in general, known as derivative sciences, whereas Physics deals with fundamentals, and hence Physics helps us see the interconnectivity between seemly disparate phenomena from nano-particle to immense universe. Physics brings in a broad and comprehensive perspective to any problem, because physics students as well as experts learn how to approach a problem irrespective of context. This inventive thinking makes physicists desirable and preferred in any field. And physics is a flexible area as well. One could easily move into other areas such as chemistry, biology, computer science, astronomy, medicine etc.


Study of Physics helps us understand how the world around us works: from electric bulb to cell phones, from quarks to black holes, from simple to profound – practically everything. Further, physics trains or forms us to express our creativity, to see the world in new ways and then to change it – Just think of Newton, C.V. Raman, Einstein. At the same time, Physics encourages quantitative and analytical thinking which would lead the physicists to top positions in policy making as well as in management.[1] Discovery is the result of creative thinking. You might have seen doctors looking at the X-ray with the background of white light. One of our alumni and my student, Mr Shaju, looked at dental X-rays at an angle of about 60o and it was his Eureka-moment. He could get more information about the future problems of teeth. The result: he built up a lucrative business with data mining. On my part, for example, I have added the fifth dimension to the reality – It is one’s consciousness. If you are not conscious of any and all aspects of the reality, then it does not exist. If I am not aware of an atom, then it does not exist for me, though it might be out there.

Why to Study Physics:

In life we have on the one hand our dream and on the other hand the reality. Often there is collision between our dream we wished and the concrete reality we are actually in. According to a recent survey only about 43% of people do their dream jobs and this has reduced to mere 7% after the pandemic.[2] Some of us might have preferred Physics and for others it might be an accident or a forced reality. But we could always develop an interest in studying Physics.

It would be better if we know why we study physics. Among many other advantages, Physics can teach you how to think critically and out of box, maturing into problem-solving skills. Physics is versatile making it possible to explore the near and far mysteries of the universe. Physics makes things possible – Eg Without Physics we would not have fiber optics, nuclear medicine, robots, rockets, etc and with the help of Physics we could explore and understand the black-holes relating to big-bang or big-crunch.[3]

How to Study Physics:

Physics is so vast that one cannot fathom everything in Physics. Hence, select one area of interest and go deep into it. It might be particle physics, high energy particles, radiation therapy, etc. You may have a generic view and understanding of Physics through covering the syllabi but choose one area of interest and do your Master’s project. If you go for PhD later, continue in that area. There are many vistas open to discover: Take for example, do we  have just one universe or multiverse? In other words, is there any possibility of another universe or other universes like ours? Physics has not said the last word. Hence, there is a lot more to expect, explore, and experience by way of study and research.

Using radar measurements from the Mars Express spacecraft, a 20-Km-wide lake of liquid water underneath solid ice has been identified in the Planum Australe region.[4] Will this lead to the discovery of living organism in the planet Mars? Further, imagination and study are needed.

NASA has recently released a haunting audio clip of sound waves rippling out of a supermassive black hole located 250 million light-years away. The black hole is at the center of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, and the acoustic waves coming from it have been transposed up 57 and 58 octaves so they’re audible to human hearing.[5] There is another fascinating discovery in recent time. We have studied that nothing could escape a black hole but now light emitted from a black hole is captured and reported: Materials falling into a supermassive black hole powers the brightest continuous sources of light in the universe, and as it does so, forms a corona around the black hole. This light, which is X-ray light, can be analysed to map and characterize a black hole.[6]

A few days ago, in our own home earth, scientists have discovered a reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans beneath the Earth’s surface. The water has been found between the transition zone of the Earth’s upper and lower mantle about 660 meters below the Earth’s surface using techniques including Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spectrometry.[7] It is not our accumulating knowledge but making it application oriented is what matters most.

You may be aware that the honey bees are facing fast extinction in the world, especially in Europe. The main reason is the cell- and communication-towers as the radiation from them interferes with the magnetic direction of the bees while returning home. They are much affected by electrosmog since these insects have magnetite in their bodies which helps them in navigation.[8] And you may not find birds building up their nest on these towers. We have our responsibility for the wellbeing of our environment and ecology. And now 5G is getting into India.

Physics – Meeting Point of Fantasy and Mystery with Reality:

This recent discoveries indicate that Physics is the meeting point of fantasy and mystery with Reality. On our part we need to understand the fundamentals in order to decipher complexity in the nature or the reality. Keep up your interest and keep working on a chosen area and you would be great. You could verify your imagination and fantasy through experimental studies. All the best.

Francis P Xavier SJ


[1] http://phystec.physics.cornell.edu/content/why-study-physics

[2] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/08/post-covid-just-7-percent-of-workers-say-they-have-a-dream-job-.html

[3] https://www.aps.org/programs/education/highschool/teachers/why-physics.cfm


[5] https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-recorded-the-sound-from-a-black-hole-and-its-super-eerie

[6] https://news.stanford.edu/2021/07/28/first-detection-light-behind-black-hole/#:~:text=Material%20falling%20into%20a%20supermassive,and%20characterize%20a%20black%20hole.

[7] https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/scientist-discover-massive-ocean-near-earths-core-3393825

[8] https://www.thestatesman.com/lifestyle/cell-phones-play-key-role-decline-bees-1503035017.html