In Sports 1+1>3

Education is not mere imparting information but also moulding students with values for social upbuilding. Sports and games develop team work, where 1+1 > 3 as we put together not only our talents but also our enthusiasm. It is the combination of concerted efforts and individual hard work that results in winning success. One may make an excellent arrow, another may design a sophisticated bow, but you need yet one more to shoot the arrow accurately. Well-motivated and participative team work is the rule of success in life-game.

From the late 1700s through the mid-1800s, physical training existed in India. Since 1980s sports and games became part of school curriculum. The English introduced sports and games in India as part of an educational system that emphasized moral development through physical activity.[1]

There are many benefits from sports and games: It makes one motivated through relaxation; it improves your concentration; and at the same time reduces stress and depression. It is found that sports and games improve one’s sleep habits and help maintain a healthy life. It not only boosts your self-confidence but also brings out teamwork and leadership traits. It keeps you mentally alert and agile even when you get older.[2]

We know that not all who participate in sports get the prize or cup but the very fact that we participate and contribute to the richness of sports is our reward swelling forth joy and happiness within. As the sports brings out our hidden talents, we grow in self-confidence and we realize that we could achieve greater things than we thought of. While building up team spirit, we find ourselves grow in courage to face challenges and obstacles. What we learn in the sports tracks is helpful and useful in life’s track as well.

It has been observed that sports actually improves one’s academic performance. To do well in sports, you need concentration, repetitive practices, and determination. When the same habits or techniques are applied to studies, one excels in academic realm as well as it helps one in goal-setting. Further, sports enables one gain insight in problem-solving. This is achieved through team building and effective output through efficient communication skills. It also boosts your self esteem as you experience a little success, you strive for greater and more challenging ordeal and you ultimately succeed.[3]

I am happy that I could be present for the sports day of Fatima Matriculation School. The Salesian spirit is to train the younger minds as an effective way to build up greater nations. In sports, it is not winning but it is the participation that matters most. Wish you all the best.

Francis P Xavier SJ



