The concept of Monad could be revisited. The proposition that the atom is the
basic building matter has been revised. Though the atom is considered to
consist of three sub-atomic particles, electrons, protons, and neutrons, within
the nucleus numerous other subatomic particles are still discovered.
Everything in the universe is made of basic building blocks called
fundamental particles, governed by four fundamental forces. Our best
understanding of how these particles and the forces are related to each other is
encapsulated in the Standard Model of particle physics. The understanding of
the universe also has been evolving over the centuries. Initially, Aristotle’s
‘Correspondence Principle’ brought in the single dimensional view, but soon it
gave way to Euclid’s two dimensional proposition (breadth and width). After a
gap of thirteen centuries, Newton’s three dimensional (breadth, width, and
depth/height) concept became prominent. Then, Einstein brought in the space-
time continuum concept, bringing in the four dimensional universe, which
transformed the entire world. He brought in the relative reality of Mass,
Length, and Time. Though all these evolution of concepts of the universe,
starting from an atom, are interconnected, the missing link in this
interconnectedness is the observer (of the universe/reality). It is the observer,
who through observation, perceives and understands the interconnectedness. It
is not the event but the perception by an observer that makes the
understanding unique. Thus, our consciousness, is the fifth dimension of the
universe. This consciousness depends on the main connecting link, namely me
as an observer with the universe as an event. Unless and until one is conscious
of the existence of our universe, then the universe may not exist for that
person. As our perceptions differ, our being conscious of the universe also
varies. This observant consciousness, from among the spectrum of
probabilities of events in the world, is the ultimate connecting link with the
reality observed and understood. This paper considers, from the evolutionary
enumeration of ever growing concept of the universe, the consciousness as the
interconnecting factor of the cosmic reality – its emergence and convergence.
Keywords: Consciousness, Fifth dimension, Reality, Quantum Logic

  1. Introduction:
    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), in his doctrine of transcendental idealism, would
    hold that space and time are just ‘forms of intuition’, the structure of which is due to
    experience. Thus, though things might exist in themselves, according to Kant, it is the
    enriching or evolution of experience that matters to understand reality. Hence, there
    might be things, unknown to oneself, but they do exist. 2 Earlier, Gottfried Wilhelm
    Leibniz (1646-1716), who influenced Kant to certain extent, came up with the idea of

Monad. Monad means a ‘unit’ or ‘one’. It is this concept of unity, which was
interpreted in Pythagorean world, as that from which all things are derived (especially
numbers). And later during the period of Christian Platonism it meant a simple,
irreducible, and self-determining entity, which is the source of all composite beings.
This was ultimately used to designate God as the simplest and irreducible entity who
generates harmonious action among all existence of created/compounded things.
According to Leibniz, a monad could imply: 3
a. A simple, irreducible, and often indestructible entity; and
b. The minimal unity into which the cosmos and all composite things in it can be
resolved; yet
c. Containing within itself, in contrast to material atoms, powers and relations of
which is itself the source.
It is considered to constitute, along with other monads, an all-inclusive unity or
harmony of the cosmos as a whole. This implies that not individual monads but inter-
monadic interconnectedness emerging as harmony is considered as unity or cosmic
Monad. This effects relationship between individual or minimal monads with the
supreme Monad as it were the individual monad, which might be finite, might reflect
a part of the attributes of the supreme Monad. For example, the finite monads may be
of a temporal nature, whereas the Supreme Monad, in the process of transcending
cosmic order, would be eternal. However, the finite monad may have the potential of
evolving into the eternal. And this cosmic harmony may be visualized as merging
with the cosmic Monad, who could be considered as a divine Person.
We need to know how the individuality of monads melt into the universal unity.
Much depends on how we perceive and understand the reality. We move on from
individual monadic level to interconnecting dimensions of reality.

  1. Historical Evolution of Understanding: 4
    The perception of reality has gone through many phases of increasing understanding:
  2. Initially Aristotle (384-322 BCE) proposed single dimensional world view,
    through the so called ‘Correspondence Principle’ (fact/object-reality relationship 5
    or cause-effect relationship). What we see here is the reflection of what is there
  3. Euclid (323-285 BCE), often called the ‘father of geometry’, made the perceptible
    world two dimensional (length and breadth): The world is flat as we could see on a
  4. After a long gap of thirteen centuries, Newton (1643-1727 CE) came to enhance
    the world picture – He made it three-dimensional (namely, length, breadth,
    height/depth). He was instrumental in the scientific revolution. His laws, especially
    the laws of motion and the law of gravitation, still rule the world on a macro scale.
  5. The world-view was finetuned by Einstein (1879-1955 CE), who proposed four-
    dimensional concept of the universe, adding time to the three-dimensional concept,
    known as space-time continuum, soon ushering in matter-wave nature of quantum
    picture of reality. We are familiar with the conflict between Newton’s absoluteness

of space (deterministic mass and length concept) and time and Einstein’s space-
time continuum and relativity of mass, length, and time.
In his famous mass-energy equivalence equation, namely E = mc 2 , Einstein
predicted that the faster an object moves, the higher would be its energy and hence
its mass would increase. This is known as inertial mass vs relativistic mass. And
when the object approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy would tend to
infinity and hence its mass. But as per the second law of special theory of
relativity, any object that starts moving from rest cannot travel faster than the
speed (velocity) of light. This is relative mass of an object in motion. Another
prediction, according to the special theory of relativity, is that when an object is
moving its length measured in the direction of motion would be shorter than its
proper length, which would be the length as measured when the object is at rest.
This is known as length contraction. 6
Much depends on where the observer is positioned. Very often we would have
realized while traveling by train, especially while the train is at rest in a train
station with another train on the opposite track. We may feel that our train is
moving, but in reality it would be the other train that would be moving. Much
depends on orientation and perception. Einstein would define different frames of
reference to understand the reality: The static and the moving frames. In the static
frame is positioned the observer and the other is in the moving frame. But for the
moving person, relatively speaking, he/she is at rest while the other is moving!
Another sequence of the special theory of relativity is known as time dilation.
This describes the elapsed time between two events, as measured by an observer in
the static frame. The time duration for the same two events would be measured by
the observer as longer, while the person in the moving frame would claim that it
took the same period of time as for the observer in the frame of reference. An
interesting example is the twin-paradox. One of the twin brothers takes off to a far
away planet, after celebrating their birthday. When he comes back, the person on
earth would feel that he has come back after so many years but the rocket-brother
would disagree and would say he was away for less number of years. In his
moving frame the time was ticking off slowly (This is time dilation).
Of course, we talk about noticeable speed that is at a substantial fraction of the
speed of light. Further, the observation depends on the position of the observer and
how the observer perceives the events. The reality is relative depending on one’s
perception, which is relative.
Further, Einstein predicted that light is deflected by gravity. This was a
revelation especially when it was experimentally verified. We are also familiar
with the tension between Einstein’s world and the world of quantum theory:
Einstein did not feel comfortable with the quantum theory concepts of probability,
uncertainty principle, non-locality of particles etc.

Manyahi and Xavier underline in their Implications of Quantum Logic to the
Notion of Transcendence, that the “quantum reality is understood in terms of
extension of probability distribution. Probability in quantum mechanics is understood
in terms of possibility structure for events. It is these possibilities and probabilities
that evolve dynamically in a quantum world”. 8 Further,
the search of reality is indicated by the direction towards the deeper reality and
deeper reality may not easily be accessible in the lower planes. The search of
reality is not only limited to what is actual but also to what can be; to what is
possible. Possibilities are a powerful tool to new truths, insights and may lead us
to deep reality.” 9
Hence there is a deeper reality than what we observe through our senses. This
leads us to the realm of transcendence.

  1. Transcendence:
    Any great discovery in science and any admirable creation in art is an outcome of
    transcendental experience. This would imply that the reality is vast and opens towards
    transcendental. Hence the reality cannot be confined into any human formula and the
    search for more understanding would go on forever. Thus, “the transcendental of
    reality suggests that we do not know how reality is constructed independently of the
    observer’s perception apparatus.” 10 Based on our mode of perception, differing
    perception and understanding would bring in concepts of more than one reality. Given
    the multi-reality, one wonders at the possibility of another universe. Our universe may
    be one of the many, physicists say. The scientists are now looking into the question
    of: Universe or Multiverse? 11 In any case, our individual perception or understanding
    may have something in common and we need to find intrinsic commonness in order
    to understand the reality or the universe. This common picture is possible if there is
    interconnectedness in our understanding of the reality.
    This transcendence is something beyond our basic physical perception. We could
    consider a Biblical example. In the valley of bones (Ez 37), Prophet Ezekiel sees how
    dry bones could be connected into human figures; then the bones become covered
    with tendon tissues, flesh and skin. Finally, they are revitalized, resurrected, and
    brought alive to the Land of Israel. How it happened and how long it took for the
    process to be complete? No idea nor guess. But it is a transcendental reality of dry
    bones coming to fullness of life. This symbolic death (represented by bones) to
    becoming alive is beyond any logical explanation and conclusion but it is possible and
    probable. It is an example of interconnectedness of individual bones into a human and
    a multitude of human forming a society. A myriad of societies form a planet and
    constellation of planets forms the universe. All due to interconnectedness from basic
    to complex entities.
    The tendency towards the transcendental is explained by the Jesuit
    palaeontologist and theologian Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) as a journey towards
  1. The world picture seems to be still incomplete. Whatever be the reality, what exists
    is what one perceives! It is the consciousness that gives the fifth dimension to the
    reality. This becoming conscious of reality goes beyond the deterministic world of
    Newton as well as the relativistic world of Einstein. What is out there could be
    only a possibility of various probabilities, depending on one’s perception and
    Hence, the perception of the world, physically or conceptually, is a possibility of
    probability – a spectrum of possibilities. [Probability: Everything we hear is an
    opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth – Marcus
    In fact, the conflict between Einstein’s world and the quantum world comes
    out in a strong way when we consider his theory of general relativity. General theory
    of relativity is the theory of the very large, while quantum theory is the theory of the
    very small. Normally there is no overlap between the two and there comes in conflict
    especially at the birth of the universe. If we are going to find a better description of
    reality then we need the combination of the two, that is, the quantum theory of
    The incompatibility between general relativity and quantum theory comes
    from the fact that general relativity, like classical mechanics, is the recipe for
    predicting the future with certainty. All things are predictable with certainty. Quantum
    theory, on the other hand, is the recipe for probabilities. With quantum theory we can
    only predict the probable position and probable path (of an object) with uncertainty.
    Quantum theory, therefore, undermines the very foundation of general relativity. Now
    researchers are trying to combine the quantum theory with the general theory of
    relativity by using a number of approaches. One such approach is the superstring
    theory, which views the fundamental building blocks of matter not as point-like
    particles but as ultra-tiny pieces of strings.
  2. Quantum Logic:
    Whatever the theoretical proposal is and however one tries to understand the
    reality or the universe, there is not going to be one common picture of reality as our
    perception and understanding determine our comprehension of reality. In our search
    for knowledge and truth based on observational analysis and logical deductions of
    available data (information), especially in the context of deterministic classical
    physics and probabilistic quantum physics, various logics came in such as fuzzy logic
    in Maths, logic gates in Computer Science, quantum logic in Physics, propositional
    logic in Philosophy, etc. 7
    In quantum logic nothing is certain, but everything is possible to varying degrees
    of probability. Here, any proposition may be labelled ‘uncertainty’ implying
    ‘undefined’. This uncertainty would point the way towards an intrinsic connection
    between quantum logic and probability. What I perceive physically is concrete reality
    for me and what I understand logically would be a probability. But my perception
    might agree with another one’s perception or it may not – At times there might be
    overlap. This is possible as the reality is a spectrum of probability.

the Omega Point. According to him, everything in the universe is spiraling towards a
final point of unification – It is not mathematical point but a person, in reality God-
According to biology, human beings have evolved. And they certainly did not
evolve to be ‘equal’ (biologically). This can be seen in the development of different
qualities that carry with them according to varying chances of survival. ‘Created
equal’ is therefore translated by the scientists as ‘evolved differently’. 12 This process
could be depicted as the stages of human evolution:
i. Dryopithecus (considered to be the ancestors of both humans and apes);
ii. Ramapithecus (living in open grass lands, using hands for food and defense);
iii. Australopithecus (used stones as weapons, tried to walk erect);
iv. Homo Erectus (missing link from ape to human being, lived in
communities/caves, tools made of bones and woods were discovered, collective
hunting and use of fire);
v. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (small hand axes used to hunt big animals like
mammoths); and
vi. Homo Sapiens Sapiens (art appeared in human history). 13
The physical evolution, according to many scientists, also brought in the evolution
of complexity in nervous system. The more complex the nerves-system evolves the
more powerful or intelligent the species become.

  1. Omega Point as Convergence:
    Once physical evolution reached its zenith, the evolution-process continued on
    the level of intelligence. It is noosphere stage, depicting the sphere of reason (that is,
    intellectual evolution). The intellectual capacity of human beings started gaining
    momentum. The complexity of scientific, technological, and medical advancements
    are the expression of this intellectual evolution. And as it nears its saturation, the next
    phase would be spiritual evolution. In this final stage of evolution, the material and
    spiritual meet and merge and the origin and end (alpha and omega) converge. It is the
    Omega Point, the origin (first born of all creation – Col 1:15) and the ultimate
    finality of creative dynamic force. According to Teilhard, the God-Man (that is,
    Jesus who was God was born as a human being) is the melting pot of all creation. And
    humans through the process of physical and then intellectual, further through spiritual
    progress process meet with the pure Spirit, the Omega Point, where matter and energy
    merge (from the equivalence of E=mc 2 ), human and divine lose their individual
    This has got the parallel in Indian Philosophy, that is Samkhya (One of the six
    systems of Indian Philosophy). According to this doctrine of spiritual evolution, pure
    spirit (purusha) comes into contact with prakriti (psychophysical nature). As a result,
    the original root-prakriti (mulaprakriti) undergoes a series of progressive
    transformations or unfoldings, in the form of successive essences called tattvas. The
    goal of evolution, however, is, paradoxically, the release of purusha and the return to
    the unmanifest condition. Hence, everything is tending towards a goal of spiritual

This is represented by Thomas Acquinas (1225 – 1274), a 13 th century
philosopher cum theologians, as exitus et reditus, that is, all things come from God
(the Creator) and they return to God as their end. 15 If we come from God in creation
and if we are created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:27), we carry in
ourselves part of the creator. This is reflected in the lives and teachings of Jesus. He
claims, “I am the light of the world” (Jn 8:12); and He also declares, “You are the
light of the world (Mt 5:14). Here Jesus describes that our destiny as equal to his own.
And once you are able to experience or realize this, nothing stands between you and
God. 16 In this context, the teaching of Jesus was showing the path to God-

  1. Singularity to Integration:
    It is commonly accepted that our observable universe originated from Big Bang.
    The Bible states that the earth (universe) was formless and empty/void (Gen 1:2). The
    scientists would say that the universe, 13.7 billion years ago, emerged from a
    singularity, a point of infinite density and gravity and space and time did not exist. All
    came into simultaneously through a big bang. The Bible says that God created human
    beings in his image and likeness (Gen 1;26).
    From the Big Bang until the earth’s crest was formed a series of changes took
    place on the face of the universe. This can be broadly given as follows: formation of
    elementary particles  building up of hydrogen, deuterium and helium  formation
    of matter  building up of heavier elements such as magnesium, silicon, iron etc 
    formation of galaxies  beginning of our solar system  formation of proto-earth
    (about 5 billion years ago)  formation of first formidable crest of earth (about 4.2
    billion years ago). This is the macro-evolution and it subsequently led the way to
    chemical evolution. 17 Subsequently other higher forms of evolutions took place. 18
    From a singularity of Big Bang all emerged and the humans eventually evolved
    in the image and likeness God, we understand the connectivity of atoms to molecules
    to cells to simple lives to human beings as the crown of all creation. This is the basic
    interconnectivity of the universe, having one and the same origin (and perhaps having
    a return or reverse path, scientifically called the Big Crunch). But ultimately the
    interconnectedness would be realized by one’s consciousness. If one is not conscious
    of some link or some aspect, then that part may be non-existent for that person.
    In a space-time process human individuals are invited to take part in the divine
    life, as Neville puts it, in three ways: as participants in cosmic process, as bearers of
    divine creativity, and as contingent pointers to divine infinity and freedom. 19 This
    process of God’s grace in our individual life is cyclic. But as the universal time is
    linear, from our spiritual point of view, our individual inner/spiritual time is helical,

combination of circular as well as linear time, but proceeding in the forward direction
till we become one with God in whose image and likeness we have been created! We
have been created as human ‘beings’ in time but as time flows progressively forward
we ‘become’ unto God, our beginning and end of life and meaning. 20

  1. Conclusion:
    In the journey of evolution and in our efforts to decipher, understand, and
    transform the universe much depends on our perception of the reality. Reality is
    always based upon an agreement we share, either in the culture, or religion, and
    language etc. In a multidimensional world view/reality (Weltanshauung) shared
    beliefs and perceptions form the raw material from which reality is made. 21 And this
    group or collective anshauung is confirmed by the individual perception and
    understanding of events in the world. Hence, the understanding of the reality depends
    ultimately on one’s perception based on one’s experience and upbringing in socio-
    cultural, religio-linguistic society. Our understanding ultimately depends on our
    consciousness, as everything is built out of this consciousness. It is as though the
    world consists of images on a screen, and consciousness is the steady light that
    emanates from the projector. 22 And without this consciousness, whatever be the reality
    out there and whatever be its impact, it does not exist if I am not conscious of it.
    Hence, one’s consciousness, as the fifth dimension, is the ultimate deciding factor of
    understanding as well as interpreting the reality. And in this way, the entire cosmic
    interconnectedness is realized in one’s consciousness.
    Our consciousness evolves from our experience and experience is derived from
    perception. Experience can be understood as a basic characteristic of ongoing
    interactions, starting from the basic level to complex reality, which ushers in
    awareness. And our consciousness is the reflexive awareness. 23 A concrete example
    could be that of Einstein with regard to his merger of space and time. He described
    the moment of insight in the following words:
    After seven years of reflection in vain (1898-1905), the solution came to me
    suddenly with the thought that our concepts and laws of space and time can
    only claim validity insofar as they stand in a clear relation to our experiences;
    and that experience could very well lead to the alteration of these concepts and
    laws. By a revision of the concept of simultaneity into a more malleable form,
    I thus arrived at the special theory of relativity. 24
    We are aware, the universe itself evolves into a state of organized and
    continuous complexity. From the centre of the spiraling universe, each one serves as a
    conscious observer or in other words, each one serves as the centre of his or her own
    universe, which, as time goes by, becomes more organized. 25 And in the complex
    stream of linear and rotational forces combining into a helical force, each one’s
    consciousness converges into the universal consciousness, namely Omega Point. This
    personal understanding of world view as well as the reality is facilitated by the fifth
    dimension, namely one’s consciousness. And the reality is a spectrum of probabilities.

All these probabilities would converge in the Omega Point as all are interconnected
and then the universal consciousness would emerge as the finality.